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This next-to-last episode is pretty good. Nothing new here but it's fast paced, somewhat imaginative and those villains are a bit less cartoonish than previous ones.
The man from Atlantis with Patrick Duffy

Modern day pirates and a mermaid

Mark encounters modern day pirates who possess a mermaid who can produce a hypnotic siren song that has a strange effect on anyone who hears it. Even Mark is susceptible to it’s powers. 

This next-to-last episode is pretty good. Nothing new here but it’s fast paced, somewhat imaginative and those villains are a bit less cartoonish than previous ones. Belinda J. Montgomery has left the series and her absence is explained by way of her being summoned to Washington by politicians. 

The mermaid looks authentic enough and it turns out that Mark has a singing voice himself that can heal a person who’s still in some state of shock after succumbing to the siren song. 

Overall this episode is a breath of fresh air after the inherent silliness that plagued the previous two episodes.

Oddur BT

Oddur BT

I mostly enjoy writing about films that fit into the category „Cult“ in one way or another. It‘s, frankly, where my comfort zone lies. It would be easy to just focus on horror films (by far the most films labeled „Cult“ are horror films) but the category also includes so many films that are really un-classifiable. Many of these movies are so truly enjoyable and you don‘t even know exactly why. These are often films that are considered very poor, very cheap, very amateurish and some are just plain old studio films that got panned or performed very poorly when released. This is the stuff I like to write about and I hope you like reading about.

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About Me

I mostly enjoy writing about films that fit into the category „Cult“ in one way or another. It‘s, frankly, where my comfort zone lies. It would be easy to just focus on horror films (by far the most films labeled „Cult“ are horror films) but the category also includes so many films that are really un-classifiable. Many of these movies are so truly enjoyable and you don‘t even know exactly why. These are often films that are considered very poor, very cheap, very amateurish and some are just plain old studio films that got panned or performed very poorly when released. This is the stuff I like to write about and I hope you like reading about.

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